Tolerance, Freedom, and a world without Ignorance!!
This world is becoming an increasingly violent and somewhat frightening place to live.........
Hatred and war erupting all over the world for no other reason then political gain, and outright greed!!!
Uneducated people, go to extreme measures to further there goals and spread there ignorance.
Government officials and politicians, stripping away even more rights and civil liberty's from the people that they are suppose to represent !
Cop's and politicians taking advantage of there authority, and abusing it at every turn!!
People form protests to demand there rights and then being arrested for civil disobedience.
Corporations attempt's to privatizes internet access, to a three tiered program and limited connections speed with the ability to edit or block data or sites at the ISP's discretion...............limiting free speech in the process
Giving unprecedented access to pristine wilderness area's for oil and coal expansion, there by leveling the forest's, polluting the habitats of countless animals, and causing further environmental damage! as apposed to investing in the development on alternative energy....
The world is a screwed up place and it's getting worse!!!
OK went a little off topic there for a minute.....
Back to the main point.......................................
I was talking with a friend, the other day....
She is an awesome person, and one of the most intelligent people I've had the pleasure of knowing!
She's been an amazing friend in the short amount of time that I've known her! and during the conversation she mentioned something that really pisses me off!!!!
Uneducated, Raciest, Pricks!!!!!!
People that run there mouths without any notion of the fact that words have consequences, People that tirelessly work towards 's spreading an ignorant, uneducated and twisted world view!! People that are so consumed by there own stupidity that they can't see past there own nose, and Most of all people that spread hate for no other reason the Hate Alone!!!
This is the 21st century, A time of technological advances and world wide social interaction, There should be no place in the world for this kind of thinking!!!
It makes me sick to think,.. that in this day and age such antiquated notions of racial or religious superiority still run rampant throughout the world,..... Too hate another based solely on skin color or nationality is below subhuman !
My friend was called all kind's of ignorant names, names that aren't even worth being repeated, by people that basically equate to human scum!!
Unfortunately, intolerance as pathetic and uncalled for as it is, Still exists at an astonishing level in today's society ...
We are all individuals, we all have our own thoughts, dreams, goals, and beliefs!!
We far too often look at the world around us as independent from ourselves, well neglecting the fact that we are all still just human no one person is any better or worse then the rest!!!
No human race is superior, no religious faith is inferior!
We're all just human!
"I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. "
" The time is always right to do what is right!"
Two great quotas from Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hopefully someday people will wake up and see that they are no different then any one else !
People spreading racist intolerance and stupidity, somehow seem to view them self's as intellectually or sociologically superior, though that notion couldn't be farther from the truth, if someone is properly educated, they would not need to blame others for there own short comings, or hate another based only on skin color.... educate your self before you open your mouth!!!
Don't run your mouth, about people, that you don't even know!!!!
It's the responsibility of every individual to work towards creating a better future for your children and grandchildren, the kind of world the next generation inherits is going to be based on the decisions we make today weather right or wrong !
Keep that in mind, teach your children respect for others and tolerance for all!
religion and nationality is inconsequential, all that matter's is what kind of person you are!!!
As Gandhi said the change you want to see in the world
Something to think about!
Peace :)