Thursday, January 27, 2011

Womens Rights

The new republican speaker of the house John (crybaby) Boehner has called this pathetic anti-choice Bill one of congress's highest priorities,  But with unemployment and the jobless rate at an all time high in this country (Mostly thanks to bush era stupidity, and twisted republican ideology, Not to mention the unnecessary War's that are still costing Billions of dollars and hundreds if not thousands of innocent lives both  solder's  and civilian's  )  You would think that Stopping the War ,  creating new  jobs and fixing the economy would take presadent, over striping average working people of there rights and giving the rich even more money..... i.e. the Bush era tax cuts!!.....

.Kind of funny how that works out huh......

With the newly appointed congress in charge the rights  equality and basic freedoms of women and minority are being systematical destroyed, Arizona with there strong anti-imagination policies is beginning to spread, Then there's the republican view on minority's in general, and there constant attack on the poor and middle class citizens along with there self righteous "only the rich matter attitude" are what's hurting this country  the most!!

Now they want to take away yet another right....The strong Anti-choice members of congress are wasting little time in there attempt to limit or completely restrict a woman's right to abortion. Making the situation even  worse for the victims of rap or insist, and potently costing the life's of hundreds if not thousands of innocent  women who may end up dying  because of a lack of treatment.....This should not happen, No one takes an abortion lightly and regardless of the situation the poor woman will live with that decision  the  rest of her life, but the simple fact of the matter is sometimes an abortion is necessary This service should not be denied!!  and it should be the woman's choice after all it's her body as well as her life!

They clam to be pro life while at the sometime, restricting the freedoms and rights of the people and costing innocent life's , If they really cared about life and the suffering of others they would ( END the needles wars ) and start helping all of the sick and  starving  children here and around the world!!

They should put there money where there big moth is!!

At the moment they are working on a new bill that  would in effect revive the already rejected Stupak Amendment...

The bill if passed  would go as follows...
Their new proposal would penalize individual women as well as businesses and would strip away the insurance coverage for abortions...

The proposal would prohibit anyone who receives a federal subsidy  to buy insurance in a new health care exchange from purchasing a plan that includes abortion coverage, (there by reinstating the stupak abortion coverage  ban )

It would permanently deny abortion coverage to women who depend on the government for their  health care, including Native Americans, government employees, the peace corps volunteers, poor women and woman serving time in prisons and the military....

It would change the tax laws in order to penalize businesses both "the mainstream and privet sector" that offer abortion coverage and prevent women from deducting medical expenses related to abortion care.

BUT Most Importantly.... The bill would allow public hospitals to refuse medically necessary abortions to pregnant women who are rushed in with life threatening emergency's.

Protect your right's!

Contact your local representatives today!!

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