Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stop ACTA Now!!!

STOP ACTA NOW!!!!!! Vote out any Government official.. Congressman, Senator or President that supports such legislation, The Government should fear the people not the other way around. We need to hold our elected officials accountable for there action's, How about they all get together and start fixing this country, Say for instance start creating JOB'S, instead of trying to figure out better ways to Censor, Suppress and Screw the people!

Apparently a Government By the People for the People and of the people is nothing but an outdated ideology.

There is something seriously wrong with the world today!

The Government is suppose to represent the interests of the people NOT the Corporations yet every elected official betrays there constituents at the drop of a hat as long as it means they can keep the lobbyist payoffs coming, well at the same time continually lying through their teeth to get our vote. Censorship is wrong no matter how you try to justify it! 

SOPA and PIPA where stopped, But ACTA poses a much greater threat to the internet freedom that we enjoy today, This bill has been in negotiations since 2008 (In Secrecy) by all major world Governments! Censorship and world wide dictatorship is on a slow and steady march!

There attempts at Controlling the flow of information and constantly monitoring the activity of the people (As a means of protecting us from an outside threat ie Online Piracy etc) Is just a way for them to gain absolute control over us!

Bill's like this are hear to protect you, Yeah Right its all for our own good, It has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining the statuesque and preserving massive Corporate profit at the cost of basic freedom's and Civil Liberty's, But don't worry as long as were all good little sheep and do as the Government and their corporate masters demand, Whats the worst that could happen?

A few Twisted Bill's / Law's ......
The Patriot Act signed by George Bush in 2001, a bill that gave the Government an even higher ability to enforce there ever increasing paranoia then they ever had before!

Then there's the NDAA  A bill that basically declarer's America a battle ground.... Under the legislation suspects can be held without trial "until the end of hostilities". They will have the right to appear once a year before a committee that will decide if the detention will continue, AND you know it will !!

The law, contained in the defense authorization bill that funds the US military, effectively extends the battlefield in the "war on terror" to the US and applies the established principle that combatants in any war are subject to military detention.

Here's a list of characterization of the people the Government say's may or may not be a terrorist: Someone missing fingers on their hands is a suspect according to the department of justice. Someone who has guns, someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed, someone who has more than seven days worth of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist, If you are suspected of being a terrorist because of these activities, you may soon find yourself on a one way trip to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention, Thanks to the U.S Government.....

 Now we get to the legal Censorship and suppression of individual Right's, Freedom's, Artistic, and Intellectual Expression and Speech!

First they try to pass SOPA and PIPA, even though those bill's failed because of the massive effort's of the people, The Government is still shutting down site's in the same manner as SOPA and PIPA would have allowed, Now we get ACTA  A bill that will allow the very same abuse of power that SOPA and PIPA  would have but to a much border extent, and this one has been negotiated by the world government's  in secret without public input, Even though it will effect everyone!

ACTA  is being passed worldwide regardless of the thousands of people protesting it!

When it take's effect it will change the internet forever!!

He who sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither - Benjamin Franklin.



If we can get the ACTA bill sent to the senate for Ratification, Then we can call in to our elected official's and demand that they vote this insane bill down, Before it get's the chance to destroy the internet as we know it!!  You can contact your senator through the National Switchboard at ...(202) 224-3121 ..................

IF YOU VALUE THE INTERNET, THEN  PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION NOW!! IT NEED'S 25,000 Signatures be Feb 21 2012 Please sign it and share the link with everyone you know!!!!

Please sign this petition on the Government site Whithouse .gov... Link below......

The Petition read's as follows...........

Please Submit ACTA to the Senate for Ratification as Required by the Constitution for Trade Agreements

The Administration has opposed SOPA and PIPA due to the damage these laws could do to the Internet. But many view the Anti-Counterfeiting Trace Agreement (ACTA) to be far worse.

This Administration supported the negotiation of ACTA in secret with a selected group of nations and with input from many corporate interests. The public and consumers were excluded from this process. FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests were denied because of "National Security" concerns.

We object to the Administration's negotiation of ACTA in secret, and approval of ACTA by Executive Agreement.

We petition the Administration to submit ACTA to the Senate for approval, as dictated by the constitution for the proper ratification of Trade Agreements.

Petition Link>>>!/petition/please-submit-acta-senate-ratification-required-constitution-trade-agreements/VgZJGZMt   

Keep the Internet Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

SOPA, PIPA, and the End of Megavideo!!

We are slowly becoming a Military State!

The Bullshit this country is capable of never ceases to amaze me!

America the land of the Free, as long as your a good little sheep and do as your corporate masters tell you too!

We have presidential candidates that brag about there high moral and ethical standard's  and how much they value there religious view, well at the same time cheating on there wives, we had another Millionaire cowboy wannabe's running for president, "Look how well that turned out last time"

We have elected official's claiming to support the sanctity of life, well at the same time supporting the death penalty  and constantly trying  to take away a woman's right to choose, regarding abortion's, no matter what the cause whether it's the result of  Rape , insist, or even in life threatening cases, yet advocating war with other country's, and on top of all this Americas democratically elected system is corrupt as Hell, Basically the more money you have the better chances you have of being elected !

Thanks to the effort's of Citizens United, a conservative nonprofit group, a law was passed in 2010, giving corporation's person-ship, meaning that now large corporation's have the same right's as an individual person in the eye's of the law, and are now allowed to give unlimited campaign donation's to whichever candidate they support, because under that law Money equals free speech, how screwed up is that!!

All of our politician's are owned by whichever lobbyist group or corporation pay's them the most, then once there in office they do everything they can to support the  legislation  that benefit said corporation's the most in exchange for even more cash!

Throw a little cash at any politician, and they dance, just like the puppets that they are !

U.S Copyright Law...

Current U.S. copyright law allows for fair use as long as its non-profit and the songs, artist's or creators  are credited." or "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

Yet video's on Youtube are constantly removed for copyright infringement, now imagine that same tactic applied to the entire internet, every comment you make, every  picture you post, every video you watch , suddenly under the threat of being removed at any moment...The internet would be a vastly different place, If the Government,(or more accurately put, The Corporation's and lobbyist, controlling the Government) get's their way that's exactly what's going to happen, In fact it already is!!!

If you oppose  SOPA....If you love the internet the way it is, Then Please contact your members of Congress directly through the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121   AND Voice your concerns regarding this dangerous and asinine legislation immediately!!!

As most of you know the U.S is  trying to pass a law that would block many site's and destroy the internet as we know it, so far they have been unsuccessful in doing this, But even though the bill has not passed, they are already hard at work removing site's, just today we have lost both Megavideo, and Megaupload, do to "Copyright Infringement".....

There are a few foreign sites protesting SOPA in the UK and France as well as The Pirate Party in Australia, but unfortunately foreigners are not allowed to vote on this bill only the U.S government, even though this law will effect the internet as a hole, NOT just the U.S.! I would suggest going to twitter and facebook and finding as many anti-Sopa pages / groups as you can and.. like, join share and comment on them so that at the very least it will show how much everyone around the world actually hates this crap!

SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA - Protect Intellectual Property's Act, Two dangerous laws the government is trying to pass, For our own good they say, Yeah Right!!!

Basically it would give the U.S.Government the ability to shut down any web site foreign or domestic, that they claim is taking part in online piracy.

What it really comes down to in the end is Freedom vs Greed!

The U.S.Government is just a bunch of overpaid Millionaires/ Billionaires who do whatever their corporate masters tell them too, Our politicians take large sums of money from lobbyist groups in order to basically buy an election, and then vote how ever the highest paying lobbyist group Tell's them too, whether the people like it or not, Even with ten's of thousands of people voicing there concerns about these bill's congress is still just holding off on a vote so they can reword the bill a little, some representatives worried about reelection are starting to drop there support for it but still not enough.

SOPA >> H.R. 3261 was written by Texas Republican Lamar Smith, on October 26 2011.

It allows the U.S. attorney general to seek a court order against the targeted offshore Web site that would, in turn, be served on Internet providers in an effort to make the target virtually disappear.

A service provider shall take technically feasible and reasonable measures designed to prevent access by its subscribers located within the United States to the foreign infringing site (or portion thereof) that is subject to the order...Such actions shall be taken as expeditiously as possible, but in any case within five days after being served with a copy of the order, or within such time as the court may order
More specifically, section 102 of SOPA says that, after being served with a removal order

PIPA target's only domain name system providers, financial companies, and ad networks--not the actual companies that provide Internet connectivity.

But because the way SOPA is written the effect's it will have on the internet are much broader, even some companies who liked, or at the very least weren't vocally opposed to, the Senate bill aren't happy with the House version.

A representative of Verizon is quoted as saying ...
"Verizon continues to look at SOPA, and while it's fair to say that we have concerns about the legislation, we are working with congressional staff to address those concerns,"

Tim McKone, AT&T's executive vice president of federal relations, said that "we have been supportive of the general framework" of the Senate bill. But when it comes to SOPA, all AT&T would say is that it is "working constructively with Chairman Smith and others toward a similar end in the House."

One big one is how it interacts with the domain name system and a set of security improvements to it known as DNSSEC.

The idea of DNSSEC is to promote end-to-end encryption of domain names, meaning there's no break in the chain between, say, and its customer. Requiring Internet providers to redirect allegedly piratical domain names to, say, the FBI's servers isn't compatible with DNSSEC.

Rep. Dan Lungren, who heads the Homeland Security subcommittee on cybersecurity, has said that an "unintended consequence" of SOPA would be to "undercut" the effort his panel has been making to promote DNSSEC.

The Sandia National Laboratories, part of the U.S. Department of Energy, has also raised concerns about SOPA, saying it is "unlikely to be effective" and will "negatively impact U.S. and global cybersecurity and Internet functionality." And Stewart Baker, the former policy chief at the Department of Homeland Security who's now in private practice, warned in an op-ed that SOPA "runs directly counter" to the House's own cybersecurity efforts.

An analysis  of Protect IP prepared by five Internet researchers this spring lists potential security problems. Among them: it's "incompatible" with DNSSEC, innocent Web sites will be swept in as "collateral damage," and the blacklist can be bypassed by using the numeric Internet address of a Web site.

A little-noticed portion of the proposed law, goes further than Protect IP and could require Internet providers to monitor customers' traffic and block Web sites suspected of copyright infringement.

"It would cover IP blocking," says Markham Erickson, head of NetCoalition, whose members include, Google, eBay, and Yahoo. "I think it contemplates deep packet inspection" as well, he said.

The exact requirements will depend on what the removal order says. The Recording Industry Association of America says that SOPA could be used to force Internet providers to block by "Internet Protocol address" and deny "access to only the illegal part of the site." It would come as no surprise if copyright holders suggested wording to the Justice Department, which would in turn seek a judge's signature on the removal order.

Deep packet inspection, meaning forcing an Internet provider to intercept and analyze customers' Web traffic, is the only way to block access to specific URLs.

Smith's revised version  may limit the blocking requirement to DNS blocking. Its "safe harbor" language indicates that not resolving "the domain name of the foreign infringing site" may be sufficient, but some ambiguity remains.

SOPA's opponents in the New York Times called it the "Great Firewall of America--and the language of the bill itself is broad and could lead to further unintended effects on the web. Section 103 says that, to be blacklisted, a Web site must be "directed" at the U.S. and also that the owner "has promoted" acts that can infringe copyright.

Here's how Section 101 of the original version of SOPA defines what a U.S.-directed Web site is....

1.. the Internet site is used to provide goods or services to users located in the United States;
2.. there is evidence that the Internet site or portion thereof is intended to offer or provide such goods and services (or) access to such goods and services (or) delivery of such goods and services to users located in the United States;
3.. the Internet site or portion thereof does not contain reasonable measures to prevent such goods and services from being obtained in or delivered to the United States; and
4.. any prices for goods and services are indicated or billed in the currency of the United States.

Many critics have stated that this kind of language in a bill like that could blacklist the next YouTube, Wikipedia, or WikiLeaks. Especially in the case of WikiLeaks, which has posted internal documents not only from governments but also copyrighted documents from U.S. companies and has threatened to post more, it's hard to see how it would not qualify for blacklisting.

Laurence Tribe, a high-profile Harvard law professor and author of a treatise titled American Constitutional Law, has argued that SOPA is unconstitutional because, if enacted, "an entire Web site containing tens of thousands of pages could be targeted if only a single page were accused of infringement."

Mozilla, Creators of the Firefox Web browser, Recently responded by creating a page saying: "Protect the Internet: Help us stop the Internet Blacklist Legislation." It warns that "your favorite Web sites both inside and outside the US could be blocked based on an infringement claim."

Web sites like Wikimedia (as in, Wikipedia) charged that SOPA is an "Internet blacklist bill" that "would allow corporations, organizations, or the government to order an Internet service provider to block an entire Web site simply due to an allegation that the site posted infringing content." Tumblr "censored" its users' content streams, and reported that its users averaged 3.6 calls per second to Congress through the company's Web site--nearly 90,000 total.

With a bit of HTML from, a Web site supported by the Free Software Foundation, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Public Knowledge, hundreds of Web sites "censored" themselves to protest SOPA. Even Lofgren, from Silicon Valley, has joined the fight-censorship protest.

For their part, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has been highlighting an analysis it commissioned from First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams, a former MPAA attorney, who concluded SOPA is perfectly constitutional.

The three organizations that have probably been the most vocal are the MPAA, the Recording Industry Association of America, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. A Politico chart shows that Hollywood has outspent Silicon Valley by about tenfold on lobbyists in the last two years. That's why Chamber is so pro-SOPA.

Supporters publicized letters from the National Fraternal Order of Police and the International Association of Fire Fighters lending their weight to the Web-blocking idea, also the AFL-CIO sent a representative to testify in support of SOPA at last week's House hearing, Over 400 businesses and organizations funded by large corporation's  have sent a letter supporting SOPA.

So many people opposing this bill contacted there Government rep's on the 18th to protest this Hollywood backed law that it actually caused some of the U.S Senate web site's to temporarily go offline lol

At around 11 a.m. PT Jan 18th, the massive amount of people attempting to contact their members of Congress overwhelmed several Web pages of individual senators, some sponsors of the Protect IP and the Stop Online Piracy Act have switched sides as a result of the protest.

The amount of traffic "temporarily shut down our Web site," Sen. Ron Wyden, the leading opponent of the Protect IP Act, wrote on Twitter.

By noon PT, the Senate's Web sites were loading again, but slowly or with difficulty. The Web site of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat who's a sponsor of Protect IP, was generating a 500 server error.

Other Senate Web pages displayed this message: "Sorry, the web page you have requested is experiencing technical difficulties. The Webmaster has been alerted. You will be automatically redirected to the home page after 10 seconds."

Wikipedia's English-language pages went completely black on the 18th with a splash page saying "the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet" and suggesting that readers contact members of Congress. The blackout is intended to coincide with next week's Senate floor vote on Protect IP and a committee vote scheduled on the House version, SOPA, next month

It wasn't immediately clear how many Internet users picked up the phone and called their members of Congress, probably the most effective way of pressuring them aside from an in-person visit.

"We've received over 3,000 e-mails on this issue, with more than 2,000 of those in the last 24 hours," a spokeswoman for Sen. Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat, Said "I do not have a count of the phone calls easily accessible, but the volume has been significant."

Sen. Herb Kohl, a Wisconsin Democrat and another Protect IP sponsor, "received over 440 phone calls relating to SOPA and the Protect IP Act" today,(The 18th) a spokeswoman said.

A source close to Sen. Robert Casey, a Pennsylvania Democrat who will remain a co-sponsor of Protect IP, said the volume of calls increased today but is not as significant as other high-profile issues.

That's in part due to a decision by Web companies not to urge their users to contact members of Congress directly through the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121, which remained up and functional all day. Again please call that number and contact your Rep today!

Google asking it's users to sign a petition, which isn't as effective. didn't even going that far -- it just included a small home page link to the NetCoalition trade association.

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg merely suggested that political leaders should be "pro-Internet," and pointed to his company's position paper. On the other hand, Zuckerberg's post did receive nearly 300,000 "likes" within two hours.

Among the other Web sites that, in one way or another, have joined the blackout: Metafilter, the Consumer Electronics Association, BoingBoing, OpenDNS, WordPress, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Internets most popular dinosaur comic strip. Some physical protests are also planned.

SOPA represents the latest effort from the Motion Picture Association of America, the Recording Industry Association of America, and their allies to counter what they view as rampant piracy on the Internet, especially offshore Web sites. It would allow the Justice Department to obtain an order to be served on search engines, Internet service providers, and other companies, forcing them to make a suspected piratical Web site effectively vanish. It's opposed by many Internet companies, users, and civil liberties groups.

In one early sign that the blackouts and protests could get under Hollywood's skin, the MPAA characterized them as "stunts." The group's chairman, Chris Dodd, took a thinly veiled swipe at Wikipedia by denouncing the protests as "an irresponsible response and a disservice to people who rely on (the sites) for information and (who) use their services." News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch took to Twitter to offer similar thoughts. ....Apparently Murdoch and the MPAA don't seem to understand that by allowing the Government to shut down any website they say is violating copyright infringement law's, whether valid or not, Is far more irresponsible then any protest could ever be!!

Massive effort's by the people , have had at least some effect, after the protest, which included a Wikipedia blackout and home page alerts at and, has prompted some senators to abandon their earlier support for Protect IP and the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA. A Senate floor vote on Protect IP is scheduled for January 24.

"I'm withdrawing my co-sponsorship for the Protect IP Act," said Sen. Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican.

Sen. John Boozman, an Arkansas Republican, "will be withdrawing his name as a co-sponsor" of Protect IP, and Fellow Protect IP co-sponsor Sen. James Risch, an Idaho Republican, said today that he wants "more time to re-examine the legislation before going to a vote" and has asked staff for a detailed briefing, a spokesman said.

And Sen. Orrin Hatch, the Utah Republican who has long been a close ally of Hollywood on copyright and is up for re-election this year, said on Twitter that "I will not only vote against moving the bill forward next week but also remove my co-sponsorship of the bill." Hatch's no longer supporting the bill is notable because of his enthusiasm for similar measures in the past: once proposed that copyright holders should be allowed to remotely destroy the computers of music pirates and tried to outlaw peer-to-peer networks through his Induce Act.

Rep. John Carter, a Texas Republican who is listed as a SOPA sponsor, "reserves judgment on the final bill, Carter said.."He's certainly not saying pass the bill as-is -- there are legitimate concerns in this bill." SOPA sponsor Tim Griffin, an Arkansas Republican, now says: "I will not support a bill unless my constituents are comfortable with it." Even some members of Congress who are still listed as sponsors are now doing so with markedly less enthusiasm.

........SOPA and PIPA, are just another underhanded way the U.S. Governments trying to limit free speech and artistic expression Internet service providers should disconnect internet connection for anyone who supports PIPA and SOPA, The supposed need for protecting IP should not interfere with rights and abilities of individuals, Also vote anyone who supports this bill out of office. When politicians see that we mean business, maybe they will think twice about stupid bills such as this if it means ending their political career.

There was so many people protesting these insane bill's that it's unlikely that ether of them will be passed...and yet the Government just shutdown Megavideo, and  Megauploads and arrested the company's 's founder as a contributor to online piracy WTH!!

BTW the Government has been trying to pass bill's for internet regulation for years now, all of those have failed so far, This one dame well better too!

Censorship in any way shape of form is wrong and should not be tolerated under any circumstances!!