STOP ACTA NOW!!!!!! Vote out any Government official.. Congressman, Senator or President that supports such legislation, The Government should fear the people not the other way around. We need to hold our elected officials accountable for there action's, How about they all get together and start fixing this country, Say for instance start creating JOB'S, instead of trying to figure out better ways to Censor, Suppress and Screw the people!
Apparently a Government By the People for the People and of the people is nothing but an outdated ideology.
There is something seriously wrong with the world today!
The Government is suppose to represent the interests of the people NOT the Corporations yet every elected official betrays there constituents at the drop of a hat as long as it means they can keep the lobbyist payoffs coming, well at the same time continually lying through their teeth to get our vote. Censorship is wrong no matter how you try to justify it!
SOPA and PIPA where stopped, But ACTA poses a much greater threat to the internet freedom that we enjoy today, This bill has been in negotiations since 2008 (In Secrecy) by all major world Governments! Censorship and world wide dictatorship is on a slow and steady march!
There attempts at Controlling the flow of information and constantly monitoring the activity of the people (As a means of protecting us from an outside threat ie Online Piracy etc) Is just a way for them to gain absolute control over us!
Bill's like this are hear to protect you, Yeah Right its all for our own good, It has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining the statuesque and preserving massive Corporate profit at the cost of basic freedom's and Civil Liberty's, But don't worry as long as were all good little sheep and do as the Government and their corporate masters demand, Whats the worst that could happen?
A few Twisted Bill's / Law's ......
The Patriot Act signed by George Bush in 2001, a bill that gave the Government an even higher ability to enforce there ever increasing paranoia then they ever had before!
Then there's the NDAA A bill that basically declarer's America a battle ground.... Under the legislation suspects can be held without trial "until the end of hostilities". They will have the right to appear once a year before a committee that will decide if the detention will continue, AND you know it will !!
The law, contained in the defense authorization bill that funds the US military, effectively extends the battlefield in the "war on terror" to the US and applies the established principle that combatants in any war are subject to military detention.
Here's a list of characterization of the people the Government say's may or may not be a terrorist: Someone missing fingers on their hands is a suspect according to the department of justice. Someone who has guns, someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed, someone who has more than seven days worth of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist, If you are suspected of being a terrorist because of these activities, you may soon find yourself on a one way trip to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention, Thanks to the U.S Government.....
Now we get to the legal Censorship and suppression of individual Right's, Freedom's, Artistic, and Intellectual Expression and Speech!
First they try to pass SOPA and PIPA, even though those bill's failed because of the massive effort's of the people, The Government is still shutting down site's in the same manner as SOPA and PIPA would have allowed, Now we get ACTA A bill that will allow the very same abuse of power that SOPA and PIPA would have but to a much border extent, and this one has been negotiated by the world government's in secret without public input, Even though it will effect everyone!
ACTA is being passed worldwide regardless of the thousands of people protesting it!
When it take's effect it will change the internet forever!!
He who sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither - Benjamin Franklin.
If we can get the ACTA bill sent to the senate for Ratification, Then we can call in to our elected official's and demand that they vote this insane bill down, Before it get's the chance to destroy the internet as we know it!! You can contact your senator through the National Switchboard at ...(202) 224-3121 ..................
IF YOU VALUE THE INTERNET, THEN PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION NOW!! IT NEED'S 25,000 Signatures be Feb 21 2012 Please sign it and share the link with everyone you know!!!!
Please sign this petition on the Government site Whithouse .gov... Link below......
The Petition read's as follows...........
Please Submit ACTA to the Senate for Ratification as Required by the Constitution for Trade Agreements
The Administration has opposed SOPA and PIPA due to the damage these laws could do to the Internet. But many view the Anti-Counterfeiting Trace Agreement (ACTA) to be far worse.
This Administration supported the negotiation of ACTA in secret with a selected group of nations and with input from many corporate interests. The public and consumers were excluded from this process. FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests were denied because of "National Security" concerns.
We object to the Administration's negotiation of ACTA in secret, and approval of ACTA by Executive Agreement.
We petition the Administration to submit ACTA to the Senate for approval, as dictated by the constitution for the proper ratification of Trade Agreements.
Petition Link>>>!/petition/please-submit-acta-senate-ratification-required-constitution-trade-agreements/VgZJGZMt
Keep the Internet Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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